Dear Ariele, You talk about lifestyle changes and "healthy living" a lot, but I guess I'm not sure what you mean besides exercising and eating well. I guess this is...
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"Ariele, You wrote in a post that you sometimes eat croissants!! WTF?! (Lol) You told me I need to be gluten-free. How come you get to eat gluten and I...
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Weight gain can be as simple as being too busy to get to the gym and prepare quality food for yourself. But it can be so much more. ...
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You want to keep your digestive fires burning… if you are constantly putting raw, iced or cold foods into your body, you're going to really diminish digestive strength. I...
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For the past ten years, I've been working with women to help them become pregnant. While I'm grateful for the busy practice, I can't help but notice that the number...
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